Friday, May 20, 2011

Here comes the summer sun...

I'm beginning to get a little high from all this sun and dreaming about the summer (even the fact that I can leave the house without a coat fills me with glee!) English weather has the means to be very tempremental and very annoying. The slighest speckle of warm sunlight forcing it's way from the clouds means the whole nation strips off, which is often not a pretty sight and you find yourself thinking: "Put it away!" Well, anyway I was hoping to find out what others love about summer so much and their favourite things to do when the sun is shining. Let's start with a drink, shall we?

What will be your summer tipple?

             Sweet Pimm's & Lemonade                 Refreshing White Wine                           Fruity Cider

What will you be doing in the sun? (apart from drinking!)
                                                                           Sports in the park
Garden BarbecueSeaside Visit

What would be your ultimate holiday?  (mine is a mixture of all 4!)
                                     Lazy Beach                                                            Hardcore clubbing
                             Backpacking Adventure                                                 Cultural City Break

Who will you be holidaying with?

                                        Family                                                                      Friends
                               Boyfriend/Girlfriend                                                            Alone

What will be your style of dress?

                          Pretty florals a la Erdem                                Simple monochrome a la Jonathan Saunders

What else will you be doing this summer? Do you have a holiday booked?