Sunday, September 18, 2011

LFW: Teatum Jones S/S '12

After a long day at The Freemasons Hall, we made our way to the most beautiful building on John Adam Street opposite The Adelphi, known as the RSA where the Teatum Jones S/S '12 collection was to be presented. The carpeted room was where a handful of models whimsically walked about a white platform, showing off the clothes in rotation- standing on the edge then sitting down on ornate chairs. In the middle hung the most amazing crystal chandelier and surrounding, frames resembling a doorway and window frame. A television fitted in a huge white box was left to play on a loop, a video of a model wearing some of the clothing. It was the most beautiful place to host a fashion show of this calibre- soft pastel pink hues and fresh, clean white additions worked so well together, not distracting from the softness and femininity of the garments and instead working together to form a stunning show.

My job was to stand outside with a clipboard guiding to people to the destination, as it was quite a tricky one to find, hidden on a backstreet past the Savoy and behind the busy Strand, where planes flew about the sky, businessmen walked in and out of large townhouses, clutching suits and portfolios and status cars drove rather speedily up and down the rather quaint streets. I'm not certain, but it looked like I saw Ed Miliband's car drive past- blacked-out, personalised and chauffeur driven of course. After standing on the corner for an hour or so, we stood in the doorway of the exquisite room where guests were chatting and sipping cocktails in tiny glasses, handing press releases to those walking through. One in particular was Hilary Alexander, who for those of you who are not familiar is the Fashion Director of The Daily Telegraph and a personal favourite of mine- an absolute legend in her field and incredibly talented in her craft, who casually said "Hi there" as she breezed through wearing leopard-print Converse and her trademark glasses-resting-on-the-nose. I have spotted her before at LFW and both times has been absolutely lovely. 

It was then our chance to view the collection which was just gorgeous, like a particular black-clad handsomer man stood at the entrance to welcome each of the guests and a young waiter circling the room and chatting with those on the sidelines. There was something so romantic and peaceful about the collection, even with the excitement that was accumulationg in the large room that seemed like it would make for the most wonderful bedroom.

All in all, it was a great day- tiring but exciting and when I got home I fixed a vodka and lemon drink of my own as we couldn't make the most of the free alcohol whilst we were working. LFW is always such fun and a complete mixture of panic, interest and the thrilling appeal of fashion at it's best and London certainly takes some beating. 

"Sometimes it snows in April"

My favourite ensembles: